Frequently Asked Questions
Message from our Pastor
As the Pastor I want to Thank you for exploring our website. Please take your time and look at all we have to offer to you and your family. We are growing quickly and adding many new ministries. If you find something that you are interested in and need more details; please feel free to contact me. It is my prayer that you will come and worship with us in any of our services and I feel that you will be Blessed. If you or your family ever need me please feel free to call. Remember … Jesus is on the Way and we are to Labor till He comes … Because of Him.
Plan to Join Us!
We invite you to look at our website and would like you and your family to come visit with us in person at our next service! We promise that from the time you walk in the door until the moment you get to your car that you will experience a friendly atmosphere and will feel like you are at home!
What Should I Wear?
Our church family varies how they dress on Sundays. Some of our church family prefers to wear suits and dresses while others wear more casual outfits or even jeans.
We have plenty of parking at Love Springs. On both the left and right side of the building we have parking spots available. We also have extra parking spots down in our old parking lot where the old sanctuary is located, if you do have to park down toward the old sanctuary someone on our golf cart team will drive you up to the sanctuary so you do not have to walk!
Where Do I Go?
You can enter into the church from 1 of 2 doors, the side door located on the right side of the building (on the side where our old building is located) or the front doors. Once you enter into either doors, just keep walking straight and you will quickly see the sanctuary and will be able to find a seat. We do have greeters that will greet you before you enter into the sanctuary so feel free to ask one of our greeters if you have any questions!
Where do my children go?
We have a fantastic children’s program at LSBC! Every Sunday morning during worship our children aged 4k - 4th grade meet in our old building which is located right beside our new sanctuary. The children will worship through song, then will have a lesson, and get to have a snack afterwards! Once you bring your child into children’s church you will be asked to sign a paper with yours and your child’s name and will be given a buzzer just incase we need you! On Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM our children meet again in our reception hall which is located right beside the old building. We also have a nursery available! Our nursery is located inside our new building. Please give us a call at (864) 406-0101 if you have any questions!
What Time Should I Arrive?
Our services start at 10:30 AM every Sunday morning. We recommend that you come at least 15 minutes in advance so that you can find a good seat and if you have a child, get them signed into children’s church.
Do you have a Youth Program?
We here at LSBC invest a lot of time and effort into our children’s and youth ministries! We know that they are the next generation and we need to spend as much time as we can mentoring them into being what God wants them to be. Our youth (5th - 12th grade) meet every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM in our old building. The youth worship through song and then will have a lesson. Our youth are always doing something so do not miss out!
What Should I Expect?
At Love Springs Baptist Church we believe in worshipping God in spirit and in truth as the Bible commands us. You will see that we mainly sing southern gospel music and hymns but also sing praise/worship songs. We do believe in worship and you will see that our church does freely do so. We sometimes can’t help but to shout and raise our hands in worship to our Father. You will experience true Bible preaching straight from God’s word and will feel loved in a awesome way!
Other Questions
If you have any other questions at all about our church you can look around our website and if you can’t find the answer you are looking for please reach out to us at (864) 406-0101, by email at, or come see us in person at 562 Sunny Slope Drive Cowpens, SC 29330